Thursday, October 30, 2008

what going green means to me

Going green to me means????
· Helping the community
· Giving back to the environment because we take from it each day.
· Making a change to the cleanness of our city
What it is I want to accomplish {Do}???
· Clean up around my community
· Raise money for a “GOING GREEN” organization
· Create a better understanding about what people are doing to our community {world}
· Volunteering
· Create something that I can use to say I went green

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Asking the essential questions?

Asking the essential question?
· What or which is best to recycle?
· Which is the best way to go about recycling?
· How will this affect our community/ environment?
· I suppose people will be inspired to change their ways and better help our community.
· Should I focus on recycled fashion or hammy-downs?
· Why is there a need for recycled things?
· What is the best result of recycling?